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Pozostałe książki od najdroższych promocja 2024

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  • Producenci
    ISBN: 9781032506364

    \nDiscussing a variety of topics, from methods and tools for loads and load effects, via experimental analysis of structures, to structural reliability, safety, and environmental protection, this book

    od 1280.04 
     1 sklep |  1 oferta
    ISBN: 9781496374967

    DeLisa's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Principles and Practice presents the most comprehensive review of the state of the art, evidence-based clinical recommendations for physiatric...

    od 1279.87 
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    ISBN: 9783423590891

    Humboldts Schriften bieten viele Entdeckungen und enthalten zahlreiche Informationen zu seinem Leben. Vor allem aber sind seine Schriften eine Einladung zur Reise - und zur Lektüre.

    od 1279.49 
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    od 1278.99 
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    od 1278.74 
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    ISBN: 9781668441282

    \nMakes visible the multitude of subtle ways racism, sexism, and heterosexism persist in an era where many believe such inequalities are in the past. To do so, contributors focus on interpersonal rela

    od 1277.76 
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    od 1277.19 
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    ISBN: 9780815350835

    \nThe Routledge Handbook of Francophone Africa brings together a multidisciplinary team of international experts to reflect on the history, politics, societies, and cultures of French-speaking parts o

    od 1276.25 
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    ISBN: 9781799896685

    \nExamines famous crime cases and the media coverage that surrounded them. This media coverage includes film, television, and wider media coverage of major crimes, such as murders, the investigations

    od 1275.53 
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    od 1274.15 
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    od 1273.93 
     1 sklep |  1 oferta
    od 1273.8 
     1 sklep |  1 oferta
    ISBN: 9788073574567

    od 1273.54 
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    od 1271.45 
     1 sklep |  1 oferta
    od 1271.45 
     1 sklep |  1 oferta
    ISBN: 9780199277148

    \nThis volume is the first detailed commentary on Cicero\'s Academica in over a century. It takes full account of the scholarly debate to date and seeks to elucidate the dialogues and...

    od 1270.51 
     1 sklep |  1 oferta
    ISBN: 9780763871154

    With Benchmark Series: Microsoft Word 2016 Level 1, 2 and 3 students build expert-level Microsoft Word skills through a graduated progression of guided tutorials and independent challenges. Working on

    od 1270 
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    od 1269.78 
     1 sklep |  1 oferta
    ISBN: 9781799816843

    Explores the effects of cyberbullying and cyberstalking on children and examines solutions that can identify and prevent online harassment through both policy and legislation reform and technological

    od 1268.89 
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    ISBN: 9781510453357

    Make the most of your AQA A Level Business Student Book and minimise your marking with this invaluable Answer Guide from Surridge and Gillespie.

    od 1268.61 
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